I'm always searching for you, always searching for your figure
On the opposite platform, or through window in the back alley
Even though I know you can't be there
If my wish were to come true, I would be at your side
There would be nothing I couldn't do
I would risk everything to embrace you
If only to avoid loneliness, anyone will do
On this night when it seem stars will fall from the sky, I can not lie to myself
One more time, don't fade away, seasons
One more time, I want that time when we fooled around together.
I'm always searching for you, always searching for your figure
At the intersection, in my dreams
If miracles do happen, I want to show you right now
The new dawn, who I'll be from now on
And the words "I Love You" that I never said
The memories of summer revolve around me
And your throbbing heartbeat that suddenly stopped
I'm always searching for you, always searching for your figure
In the city at dawn, in sakuragi-cho
Even though I know you can't be there
If my wish were to come true, I would be at your side
There would nothing I couldn't do
I would risk everything to embrace you
I'm always searching for you, always searching for even a fragment of you
At the shop I'm going to, in the corner of a newspaper
Even though I know you can't be there
If miracles do happen, I want to show you right now
The new dawn, who I'll be from now on
And the words "I Love You" that I never said

at the railroad crossing, waiting for the express to pass
Even though I know you can't be there
If I could live life over again, I would be at your side everytime
Because I would want nothing more precious than you
(One More Time, One More Chance -- original soundtrack Byousoku 5cm)
Byousoku 5cm, adalah film animasi jepang yang diproduksi tahun 2007. Bergenre drama, dengan keindahan visual animasi yang luar biasa. Kisah yang diangkat sebenarnya sangat sederhana, tapi terasa benar-benar nyata. Endingnya juga kurasa terlalu "real" untuk film animasi. Biasanya film animasi kan identik dengan imajinasi yang aneh-aneh, tapi Byousoku 5cm ini sama sekali tidak begitu. its a Beautiful movie, really love it!!!
Film ini dibagi menjadi tiga chapter, dan di chapter terakhir ada theme song Byousoku 5cm yang menayangkan konklusi dari dua chapter sebelumnya. Theme songnya juga indah, dan bisa mencakup semua perasaan tokoh utamanya. Liriknya bisa dibaca di awal postingan ini.
Bagi yang berminat nonton, coba perhatikan visual sinar matahari yang menerpa, kelopak kelopak sakura yang berguguran, pantulan cahaya di kaca, batang-batang rumput yang bergoyang ditiup angin.... hal hal seperti itu benar-benar digarap dengan visualisasi yang benar-benar luar biasa indah. Tak percaya? Buktikan saja sendiri yaaa....